Healthcare Team Training offers customized solutions for successfully integrating patient safety principles into all areas of your healthcare system. We utilize the TeamSTEPPS™ curriculum and the growing expertise of our team in partnership with healthcare leaders, physicians and staff. Healthcare Team Training have been awarded the contract to provide TeamSTEPPS™ training to the Department of Defense - Our Civilian hospital and health system clientbase across the country and internationally has grown significantly over the past two years. Vast exposure to diverse environments enables us to create a network of partners to learn from throughout the implementation process.
Patient Safety Depends on Teamwork
Healthcare professionals work in a complex, high tech, high risk and automated environment that requires a greater level of technical competency and organizational teamwork. Statistics reveal that over 70% of medical errors and adverse outcomes are caused by poor team dynamics, a lack of leadership, or ambiguous communication.
The TeamSTEPPS™ modules focus on creating high performing teams who are able to anticipate and reduce error through improved communication, teamwork, leadership and situation monitoring. Healthcare Team Training professionals support implementation through assessment, diagnosis, intervention, measurement and evaluation.
Our highly experienced team of patient safety and teamwork professionals includes practicing physicians, surgeons, nurses and anesthetists. The team strengths include expertise in statistics, quality and performance improvement, education, curriculum development, research, coaching, crew resource management, human factors, and hospital operations.
Healthcare Team Training, LLC is a patient safety management consulting and training company that specializes in team performance for healthcare organizations. By combining our extensive Crew Resource Management (CRM) knowledge with our experience as a provider of TeamSTEPPS™, we will offer a powerful solution for improving patient safety within your organization. |
Healthcare Team Training will work in partnership with you to design a customized intervention package using your organization's patient safety measurement data. Healthcare Team Training will align TeamSTEPPS with other initiatives and organizational goals to ensure that you maximize your resources to improve patient safety. |
We appreciate that healthcare is overwhelmed with data, so we will work with you to define a portfolio of existing measures using your current data systems to your success. Some of the areas that Healthcare Team Training can help you to impact are the:
Joint Commission 2008 National Patient Safety Goals
» PowerPoint Presentation
CMS Present on Admission (PoA) FY2008 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Final Rule that came into effect in October 2007.
National Quality Forum (NQF) Safe Practices
Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s 5 Million Lives Campaign platforms.
WHO Global Patient Safety Challenge
Come and see us at the 2008 NPSF Annual Patient Safety Congress. May 14-16. Nashville TN
» Learn more about our work
"We are able to use these patient safety tools throughout our hospital," Dr. Karen Frush, MD, Patient Safety Officer, Duke University Health System.